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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

your crocheting horoscope for 2007

This horoscope is for entertainment only and should not be taken seriously unless you feel like that's something you need to do. It does not reflect my personal belief in witchcraft, the occult, Methodists, white chocolate, a funny Rob Schneider film or that magical Wal-Mart that Paul Harvey always talks about where the "associates" seek out the best yarn deals and bring them to your cart. It's mine, I wrote it, so any comments you can direct them to me.

Aries (March 21-April 19). You are the commited yarnaholic. You will make sure you untangle that skein without making a break in the yarn so you can say "Yes, I did it! No knots!". Your friends admire this compulsion and bring over their tangled skeins for you to rewind. But beware - all the time you spend untangling yarn, you could be crocheting. Thought for 2007: purchase a yarn swift.

Taurus (April 20-May 20). You love yarn, but you can be a little on the ahh, cheap side. Sure, you do have a budget to consider, but what's the use of buying 5 more skeins of no brand yarn when you would really prefer to upgrade to at least a yarn with a company label. Consider using coupons for the various local yarn / craft stores and buy something really nice to work with - at least once. Thought for 2007: join a yarn exchange and trade up for some luxiourous yarns

Gemini (May 21-June 20). You love the various magazines and online resources for crocheting. You have bags of workis in progress and notebooks filled with works in mind. But somehow your attention span doesn't go all the way to completion. You start a great shrug, get distracted by work or perhaps a new magazine and the shrug languishes in the bag while you start another project. It's great to be enthusiastic, but you need to focus a bit more. Thought for 2007: Finish _2_ of your old projects before starting another.

Cancer (June 21-July 22). You love to crochet at any time. But sometimes, such as that time when you were the keynote speaker, it's just not appropriate. I know you can multi-task, but sometimes *shudder* you need to put down the hook and do something else. This action helps people realize that you actually do know who they are and their importance to your life. Plus it will give your wrists a rest that they most likely sorely need. Thought for 2007: join an online crochet along to find out what other people are doing

Leo (July 23-August 22). You love showing off your crochet work to the world and we appreciate it. Not all of us are quite so fond of your crocheted thong, however, and perhaps you should save that viewing for a selected few. (just a suggestion). You do beautiful work and should share that with friends and family. Try something a bit different this year - threadwork if you do yarn, yarn if you do thread or stretch out by learning a new stitch. Thought for 2007: teach a class on crochet at the local nursing home

Virgo (August 23-September 22).Trust your stitching, it hasn't failed you yet. Yes, I know you've ripped out a few things (haven't we all?) but basically, the hook won't let you down. If you feel your stitches aren't quite "right", spend a bit more time crocheting. Do this in as calm a place you can find and let the stitching be your form of meditation. The hook will take you where you need to go. Thought for 2007: Consider entering an item to your local state/regional fair. It's not about winning, it's about putting yourself out there to be seen.

Libra (September 23-October 22). Sometimes you forget there are other folks in the world that crochet and can share their experiences with you. You're not the only one who had to rip ot 5 rounds of a sweater because you made a mistake (although you do claim the pattern was "poorly written"). Gather online or inperson to find out that most crocheters have the same sort of experiences - the agony and the ectasy, if you will. Thought for 2007: donate your crocheted items to a charity.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21). You are known as the sensous soul of the zodiac and you got the stash of yarn to prove it. However, piling the collection of various fur yarns on your bed and rolling around in it does not constitute creativity. It's something, but I'm not going there. So break out your stash and share it. Make some scarves for friends and family. Trim your jeans with some fluffy yarn. Share and enjoy your sensous stash. Thought for 2007: Just because they make eyelash yarn in every color doesn't mean you need to own 2 skeins of each color and brand.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21). Somehow you have gotten the idea that if you have all the time in the world to crochet and you won't have to worry about that impending deadline. This is not true, so plan your gift giving accordingly. If you're going to crochet slippers for everyone for Christmas, it's a good idea to start in January. Than in November when you are figuring out what gifts you are going to crochet, you still have time to finish the pair of slippers you started in January. Thought for 2007: Keep a calendar and take notes on what you have crocheted

Capricorn (December 22-January 19). You sometimes worry that you are crocheting too much. Unless your doctor or your hands/wrists tell you so, there is no such thing as crocheting too much. But that doesn't stop you from worrying about all you spend on your hobby. It seems as if you should be "making money" from crocheting. You can and there are options you can explore - online auctions, websites that sell handcrafted articles as well as craft fairs and consignment shops. Do a little research first and don't quit your day job right away. Thought for
2007: Be very aware of the copyright laws before you start selling any crocheted items.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18). You are usually the first one to pounce on a new crochet trend - by the time Martha Stewart was wearing her famous poncho out of prison, you were at "been there, done that" status. You try the newest yarns, the newest techniques before anyone else does and frankly, what I want to know is how do you do it? It's pretty amazing to watch you come up with the newest and coolest crocheted wear all the time. Thought for 2007: Publish your designs

Pisces (February 19-March 20). You go with the flow of crochet. You may crochet a lot in a short period of time, than you put your hooks away and go do something else. Sometimes crocheting just doesn't hold your interest. You may want to look into an advanced class, online or inperson, to give your crocheting an infusion of energy. Maybe try something that will push you outside of your comfort zone. Thought for 2007: Learn a new technique and crochet something in that techmique

Have a great 2007;)


Anonymous said...

Haha, that totally sounds like me: a Gemini with a box full of half-finished projects. I just finished a project today that took me two months, with four (give or take) projects in the interim.

Anonymous said...

Robin, You hit the nail on the head with this Taurus...I had just signed on with a yarn exchange group and then read your description...Wow, it hit the nail on the head. And yes I'm can be on the cheap side but only because of limited income.